We, as the WĀNAKA Climbing Club, are a loose collective, reluctantly banded together to freely serve the interests of climbing in the WĀNAKA vicinity.
by charming, pleading, and wheedling with land-owners and managers for unfettered and ongoing access to quality rock. And ensuring care and respect for our lovely natural or rural spaces.
by furnishing the hard cash and brutish labour to establish and maintain the highest standard sports routes and comfortable and convenient infrastructure.
by publishing a guide book, sharing facts and figures, big data and pithy home truths to guide and educate the masses. To foster superior bolt-craft, safe practices and decorous crag etiquette.
by providing a forum to connect the climbing community, sell old shoes, and raise a rabble to do the necessary housework, DIY and gardening and make the world a better place.
by creating a welcoming environment, fostering good sportspersonship, a minimum of committee meetings and very much fun.
Support the Wānaka Climbing Club to help grow and develop the climbing and community in Wanaka.